Vienna Recreation Tennis Program is a great opportunity to learn how to play tennis or advance your skills from a certified USPTA tennis professional who a state tennis champion, player collegiate tennis and All-American. He has taught professional across the US and trained world class players. Players are introduced to the fundamentals of tennis through activities designed to build a solid foundation for long term athletic development. Activities are focused on developing the ABCs (agility, balance and coordination) all while forming the skills necessary to serve, rally and score.

Ages: 5-18 years

Cost: $35/player (not to exceed $100 for family)


Tennis program will run from June 14th to July 31st.

Program will run Monday thru Thursday at the Jackson Tennis Courts from 8:00 to 11:30 am. More specific schedule will be developed and provided on June 14th.

Tentative Program is Monday through Thursday mornings.

  • 8:00-8:30: 5-6 Year olds
  • 8:30 – 9:30: 7, 8, & 9 year olds
  • 9:30 – 10:30: Middle school
  • 10:30 – 11:30: High School

Required Equipment
* A tennis racquet suitable for your child’s age, size and playing ability.
* A pair of comfortable tennis shoes
* Comfortable Clothing- Whites and light colored garments that do not draw heat.
* Personal Water Bottle- Plenty of fluids, preferably water, are needed during the hot summers. Temperatures can reach as high as 100 degrees on a mid 90 degree day on a tennis court.
* Note- we encourage each participant to have their own racquet for their personal playing preference.
Email for more information.